Registration Survey
This page summarizes the data collected from prospective and actual Bootcamp attendees using a survey that began July 19, 2023.
Render date: 2023-08-24 09:01:06.315706
Survey link:
Gather & Clean
if (!dir.exists('csv')) {
message("Creating missing `csv/`.")
options(gargle_oauth_email = "")
googledrive::drive_download("Open Science Bootcamp 2023: Registration (Responses)", path = "csv/registrations-2023-07.csv", type = "csv", overwrite = TRUE)
registrations <-
readr::read_csv("csv/registrations-2023-07.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)
reqistrations_qs <- names(registrations)
registrations_clean <- registrations |>
timestamp = "Timestamp",
registered = "Will you attend the Bootcamp on August 9-11, 2023?",
name = "What is your name?",
psu_email = "What is your PSU email?",
dept= "What is your department or unit?",
position = "What is your current position?",
email = "Email Address",
am_sess_1 = "Which of these sessions do you plan to attend?...8",
am_sess_2 = "Which of these sessions do you plan to attend?...9",
pm_sess_3 = "Which of these sessions do you plan to attend?...10",
pm_sess_4 = "Which of these sessions do you plan to attend?...11",
comments = "Any comments?"
Registration numbers
As of 2023-08-24 09:01:06.469574, we have \(n=\) 85 registered attendees. That is 113.3 % of our target registration/attendance limit of \(n=75\), and includes the \(n=\) 14 program committee and non-registered presenters.
Incorporate attendee sign-ins
We did some manual manipulations of the Google Sheet used for registration information to generate four variables related to registration status and attendance on days 1-3. Then, we manipulate those variables here to allow us to use these data in the following plots and summaries.
The following table summarizes registrations vs. attendance:
## yes_no
## registered_attended yes
## Day_1 53
## Day_2 45
## Day_3 31
## registered 85
Thu PM Session 3
Note: We moved the preregistration session to Thu AM Session 2 to avoid a scheduling conflict among the presenters.