What is your primary department/unit?
What is your position at Penn State?
What are the primary types of digital data that are used in your research?
Do you collect data that have legal or ethical restrictions governing who may access it or how it may be used?
Where do you store data for active projects where data collection and analysis is still ongoing?
How important to you is sharing data from completed projects with the broader research community (i.e., not direct collaborators)?
Which of the following obstacles make sharing data with the research community harder for you?
If you have shared data with the research community, where have you shared it?
How well-equipped do you feel you, your colleagues, and trainees are to meet data management and sharing requirements of sponsors/funders or journals?
How often do you openly share other materials related to your research (protocols, reagents, samples, apparatus, designs, etc.) with other researchers?
What is your experience with/knowledge of open science practices?
Describe your awareness of the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles pertaining to research data.
Lessons learned
- Many respondents are sharing data
- Ethical concerns may restrict
- Fewer sharing materials or code
- Opportunities to enhance knowledge about open science practices
- (Very hard to distribute surveys widely)
- Listserv (l-open-science@lists.psu.edu)
- Draft sites.psu.edu
Data management workshop
- Supported by the National Science Foundation under IGE 1955049]
- Wednesday, March 27, 2024
08:30 am Coffee
09:00 am Welcome (Nicole Lazar & Rick Gilmore)
09:15 am Good enough practices for data management (Alaina Pearce)
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Policies (Briana Wham & Ana Enriquez)
11:00 am Interactive workshop
12:00 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Next steps
01:30 pm End of workshop
Data Management Workshop Registration