If the research involves more than Minimal Risk to subjects,
describe the available compensation in the event of research related
If there is no sponsor agreement that addresses compensation for
medical care for research subjects with a research-related injury,
include the following text as written - DO NOT ALTER OR DELETE:
It is the policy of the institution to provide neither financial
compensation nor free medical treatment for research-related injury.
In the event of injury resulting from this research, medical treatment
is available but will be provided at the usual charge. Costs for the
treatment of research-related injuries will be charged to subjects or
their insurance carriers.
For sponsored research studies with a research agreement with the
sponsor that addresses compensation for medical care for
research-related injuries, include the following text as written -
It is the policy of the institution to provide neither financial
compensation nor free medical treatment for research-related injury.
In the event of injury resulting from this research, medical treatment
is available but will be provided at the usual charge. Such charges
may be paid by the study sponsor as outlined in the research agreement
and explained in the consent form.
Not applicable.