15 Resources Available
15.1 Facilities and locations
Identify and describe the facilities, sites, and locations where recruitment and study procedures will be performed.
If research will be conducted outside the United States, describe site-specific regulations or customs affecting the research, and describe the process for obtaining local ethical review. Also, describe the principal investigator’s experience conducting research at these locations and familiarity with local culture.
[Type protocol text here]
The survey will be conducted online using Penn State’s email servers, a Google Form, and Google Sheets.
15.2 Feasibility of recruiting the required number of subjects
Indicate the number of potential subjects to which the study team has access. Indicate the percentage of those potential subjects needed for recruitment.
[Type protocol text here]
According to https://datadigest.psu.edu/faculty-and-staff/, there are more than 6,400 full-time and 4,980 part-time faculty; 400+ administrators; 6,000+ graduate students and postdocs; and more than 10,000 staff. So, the potential number of respondents exceeds 20,000.
We hope to achieve a 5-10% response rate among faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. That would result in 850-1,700 responses.
15.3 PI Time devoted to conducting the research
Describe how the PI will ensure that a sufficient amount of time will be devoted to conducting and completing the research. Consider outside responsibilities as well as other on-going research for which the PI is responsible. Please only provide a response for the principal investigator – do not include information about any other study team members.
[Type protocol text here]
The investigator will allocate time during the week to collect and analyze data, and to writing any relevant manuscripts.
15.4 Availability of medical or psychological resources
Describe the availability of medical or psychological resources that subjects might need as a result of their participation in the study.
[Type protocol text here or indicate as not applicable]
Not applicable.
15.5 Process for informing Study Team
Describe the training plans to ensure members of the research team are informed about the protocol and their duties.
[Type protocol text here or indicate as not applicable if the principal investigator is the only study team member listed on the CATS IRB submission]
Our entire protocol for this study is open and available to anyone, including the research team. The research team meets every other week to discuss the project.